Daniel Smolyak


I'm a fifth-year Computer Science PhD Candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park.

My research focuses on bias identification and mitigation in machine learning for healthcare, and my advisors are Prof. Margrét Bjarnadóttir and Prof. Vanessa Frías-Martínez.


Abrar, S.M.*, Awasthi, N.*, Smolyak, D.* and Frias-Martinez, V. "Analysis of Performance Improvements and Bias Associated with the Use of Human Mobility Data in COVID-19 Case Prediction Models" ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies, 2023. (link)

Smolyak, D., Humphries, E.M., Parikh, A., Gopalakrishnan, M., Aycan, F., Bjarnadóttir, M., Ament, S.A., El‐Metwally, D., Beitelshees, A. & Agarwal, R. "Predicting Heterogeneity in Patient Response to Morphine Treatment for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome". Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2023. (link)

Humphries, E., Smolyak, D., Parikh, A., Agarwal, R., Bjarnadottir, M., et al. "Polygenic Prediction of Response to Pharmacotherapy in Infants With Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome". European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021. (link)

Kadakia, S.*, Smolyak, D.*, Bjarnadottir, M., & El-Metwally, D. "Variation in Pulse-Oximetry of Infants with Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome". (Submitted) Pediatric Research, 2021.

Smolyak, D., Gray, K., Badirli, S., & Mohler, G. "Coupled IGMM-GANs with Applications to Anomaly Detection in Human Mobility Data". ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 2020. (link)

Gasarch, W., Metz, E., Prinz, J., Smolyak, D. Mathematical Muffin Morsels. World Scientific, 2020. (link)

Smolyak, D., Lee, B., & Choe, E. K. "TandemTrack: Promoting Consistent Exercise Leveraging Multimodal Training and Tracking". Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018. (link)

Cui, G., Dickerson, J., Durvasula, N., Gasarch, W., Metz, E., Prinz, J., Raman, N., Smolyak, D. & Yoo, S. H. "A Muffin-Theorem Generator". International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN), 2018. (link)

Canakci, B., Christenson, H., Fleischman, R., McNabb, N., & Smolyak, D. "On SAT Solvers and Ramsey-type Numbers". Presented at American Mathematical Society Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting, 2015. (link)


Feel free to reach out to me!

  • dsmolyak [at] umd [dot] edu